ADR Education
Mr. Appel is a strong proponent of remaining current in the latest developments, techniques and innovations in ADR. As a result, he regularly attends educational and training programs focused on best practices and developments in ADR. The following demonstrates Mr. Appel’s commitment to continuing education during the past several years.
- New York State Bar Association (NYSBA), Commercial Arbitration Spring 2022;
- NYSBA, Non-party Discovery in U.S. Arbitration, 2022;
- American Bar Association (ABA), Impartiality: Do You Know Where Your Biases Are, 2021;
- International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR), Imperfect Impartiality: How Neutrals Can Combat Implicit Bias, 2021;
- NYSBA, Best Practices: Roundtable on Different Approaches to Arbitration, 2021;
- New York Law School, Cutting Edges in Commercial Arbitration, 2021;
- NYSBA, Arbitration and Mediation 2021; Best Practices Working Through and Around Covid, 2021;
- NYSBA, Hot Topics in Dispute Resolution, 2021;
- American Arbitration Association (AAA), Cyber Security: A Shared Responsibility, 2020;
- ABA, How to Effectively Conduct “Zoom” Trials During The Pandemic and Beyond, 2020;
- ABA, Covid-19 Impact on Health Care ADR, 2020;
- New York Law School, Cutting Edge Issues in Commercial Arbitration, 2020;
- CPR, Online Mediation Training Program, 2020;
- NYSBA, Understanding the AAA-ICDR Virtual Hearing Guide for Arbitration and Parties, 2020;
- CPR, Beyond the Basics: Thorny Issues in Conducting Real Arbitration Proceedings in a Virtual Hearing Room, 2020;
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Nuts and Bolts of Conducting Arbitral Hearings Via Video Conference, 2020;
- NYSBA, Annual Meeting, Dispute Resolution Section Program, 2020;
- New York Law School, Symposium: ADR and Diversity, 2020;
- NYSBA, Under the Radar Developments in the Case Law Relating to Domestic Arbitration, 2019;
- AAA, Tribunal Dynamics: Selection of Tribunal from the Counsel and Arbitrator Perspective, 2019;
- NYSBA, Arbitration 2019: Arbitration at its Best, 2019;
- AAA, 2019 Panel Conference, 2019;
- NYSBA, Dispute Resolution Section Annual Meeting, 2019;
- Mediation Office of the Southern District of New York, Exploring the Mediation Joint Session: Benefits, Detriments, Strategies for Making the Most of It, 2018;
- NYSBA, Dispute Resolution Section Annual Meeting, 2018;
- AAA, Healthcare Dispute Resolution Innovation and Strategy Conference, 2018;
- American College of e-Neutrals, E-Discovery 2.0: Managing the Process, 2018;
- AAA, Arbitrator Performance and Demeanor: Meeting Participant Expectations, 2018;
- New York Law School, Cutting Edge Topics in Commercial Arbitration, 2018;
- NYSBA, Judge at Judith S. Kaye Arbitration Competition, 2017 and 2018;
- NYSBA, Dispute Resolution Section Fall Meeting: Brave New World in Dispute Resolution, 2017;
- American College of e-Neutrals, Arbitrating in a Digital World: Fair and Expeditious Management of Electronic Discovery, 2017;
- NYSBA, Dispute Resolution Section Annual Meeting, 2017;
- ABA, What I Wish My Mediators Knew, 2017;
- NYSBA, Dispute Resolution Section Fall Meeting, 2016;
- AAA, Healthcare Dispute Resolution Innovation and Strategy Conference, 2016;
- NYSBA, The Ten Most Important Things for Counsel and Arbitrators, 2016;
- AAA and International Center for Dispute Resolution, Panel Conference, 2016;
- NYSBA, Dispute Resolution Section Annual Meeting, 2016;
- NYSBA, ADR: Trends, Innovations, Insights and Practice Tips, 2015;
- AAA, eDiscovery: Arbitration in a Digital World, 2015;
- Juris Conferences, Technology in International Arbitration, 2015;
- American Health Lawyers Association, Health Care Arbitration, 2015;
- College of Commercial Arbitrators/AAA, Managing a Successful Arbitration, 2014;
- NYSBA, Winning with ADR, 2014;
- Federal Bar Association, Negotiation Skills for Deals, Disputes and Mediation, 2014;
- NYSBA, Dispute Resolution for 2013 and Beyond, 2013;
- AAA, Managing the Arbitration Process for Efficiency & Economy Following the Preliminary Hearing, 2013;
- AAA, Maximizing Efficiency & Economy in Arbitration: Challenges at the Preliminary Hearing, 2013;
- AAA, Scope of the Arbitrator’s Authority: Granting Interim and Final Relief, 2013;
- AAA, What’s a Respondent Like You Doing in a Place Like This? Confronting Arbitrability and Jurisdiction Issues in Arbitration, 2013;
- New York City Bar Association, Understanding Impasse in Negotiation and Mediation: How to Prevent, Avoid and Break Deadlock, 2013;
- NYSBA, New and Improved ADR Techniques for the Modern American Lawyer, 2012.